What Are The Most Common Types of Ransomware Attack

For many years, ransomware was thought only to infect Windows operating systems. However, today’s cybercriminals have created variants of the infamous “ransomware” that target Mac OS, iOS, Android, and Linux platforms.

The rise of mobile malware is now making ransomware a huge concern. According to a report, more than 68,000 new ransomware Trojans for mobile were found in 2019. And in 2021, damages from cybercrime through ransomware are expected to hit $6 trillion worldwide.

While it might seem simple to protect yourself, there are several reasons why ransomware remains a threat to both individuals and organizations:

What are the most common types of ransomware attacks in 2022

Ransomware is one of the fastest growing types of malware infection. And it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. The problem with these types of ransomware attacks is that there is no easy way to stop them. You can improve your defenses, but there is always going to be a way for cybercriminals to get in.

There are many types of ransomware attacks, but the most common ones involve encrypting data and demanding a ransom for the decryption key. These attacks can be highly effective, rendering important data completely inaccessible. In some cases, the attackers may also threaten to delete or release the data publicly if the ransom is not paid; This can put immense pressure on the victim, particularly if the data is sensitive or confidential. 

Other types of ransomware attacks may involve locking the user out of their system or device or encrypting files and demanding a ransom for their decryption.

Ransomware is malicious and blocks access to computers until the owner pays a ransom to have their files unlocked. You may download free versions that lock your computer’s files, but once you open them, they ask you to pay to unlock them. Ransomware is becoming increasingly popular due to its high success rate and low cost. 

Here are some common ransomware attack methods that you should know about.

What is the most common method of attack for ransomware in 2022

There are many methods of attack for ransomware, but the most common are phishing emails. Phishing emails have become increasingly popular in recent years because they’re an easy way to gain access to sensitive information. 

Although some individuals are quick to question the credibility of an email, some fall victim to the scam. These emails are sent by cybercriminals who have managed to gain access to a company’s network or by criminals acting as a company. 

They are attempting to gather personal information and login credentials by sending out phishing emails. Information such as usernames, passwords, credit card information, and more. The best thing to do is to avoid clicking on any links and refrain from filling out any forms that the email has provided.

Other attack methods include exploit kits and drive-by downloads, but phishing emails are by far the most common.

How many types of ransomware do we have?

There are technically four types of ransomware: 

  • Locker
  • Crypto
  • Scareware
  • boot. 

Locker ransomware blocks access to your device until you pay a ransom. Crypto ransomware encrypts your files and demands a ransom to decrypt them. Scareware tricks you into paying a ransom by scaring you into thinking your device is infected. Boot ransomware prevents your device from booting up until you pay a ransom.

However, there are still other ransomware variants (examples) that are commonly available:

  • Gafgyt
  • Ryuk
  • Cerber
  • Bad Rabbit
  • Petya
  • NotPetya
  • WannaCry
  • Locky
  • TeslaCrypt
  • And many others…

Tips to avoid getting ransomware attack

You can take several steps to protect yourself against a ransomware attack.

Install anti-malware software

First, ensure that you have a good anti-malware program installed on your computer and that it is up-to-date. Without good Anti-malware, you may not notice that your computer is infected with malware until it is too late to recover all of your data.

Not only that, but it can be difficult to trust that your data is safe unless you know exactly what your Anti-malware program does. Luckily, there are many affordable Anti-malware programs available that can be installed and managed from your computer without the assistance of professional support.

Security software is essential for your system, and you shouldn’t even consider operating your computer without it, especially if you have sensitive data that you don’t want to lose.

Don’t open suspicious attachments.

Second, be careful about the emails you open and the links you click on. If you receive an email from an unknown sender or a suspicious-looking email, do not open it. If you receive an email with a link, do not click on the link unless you are sure it is safe.

When you’re online, it’s important to know what you click on and what you open. If a link or attachment looks suspicious, it’s best not to click. Likewise, double-checking your inbox for suspicious emails is always a good idea. If any of them look weird or feel fishy, delete them and make a mental note not to open that email address again.

If you’re unsure about an email, it’s best to contact the sender by phone or by another means of communication. While it’s always good to be careful, you can even take it further and install a firewall to protect your computer and your personal information and ensure hackers can’t get their hands on it.

Install latest updates and patches

Third, keep your computer and software up-to-date. Regularly install updates and patches for your operating system and other software programs. You must keep your computer protected from viruses and other malicious software.

To do this, you need to install updates and security patches regularly. Sometimes, you might receive automatic updates on your computer. If you’re unsure which updates are safe to install, check the company’s website that created your operating system or the software program.

If you’re unsure where to find the updates and patches, you can always search online for a list of companies specializing in tracking updates and patches.

Backup your data

Fourth, backup your data. This way, if your computer is infected with ransomware, you will not lose your important files. Backup your data! This way, if your computer is infected with ransomware, you will not lose your important files.

There are a few simple ways to backup your data. First, try to update your operating system regularly. This will prevent your computer from getting infected with malware and viruses. Another way to backup your data is to connect an external hard drive to your computer.

Backing up your data can be tedious, but keeping your computer running smoothly and securely is important.

Use strong passwords

If you’re using a public computer, especially at an Internet café, always log out after you’ve finished using the machine. Logging out prevents others who might have access to your account from accessing sensitive information you may not want them to see.

Make sure you pick unique passwords; don’t use your name, email address, birthday, phone number, pet names, or anything else about yourself. Pick something hard to guess, like a combination of numbers and letters. Make sure you change your password often.

When you change your password, please write it down somewhere you won’t forget and store it in a secure location.

Be alert to signs of ransomware.

Fifth, be aware of the signs of a ransomware attack. These include unexpected pop-ups or error messages, slow performance, and strange activity on your computer. If you see any of these signs, take action immediately to protect your computer.

What to do after your computer is hacked by ransomware.

The first thing to do after being attacked by ransomware is to do a deep scan of your computer and make sure that every piece of malware has been removed. You can do this by downloading a free trial of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and installing it on your computer.

After it is installed, perform a full scan of your computer and make sure that everything is gone. 

If the trial version cannot remove it, you’ll have to order a paid version to remove the malware. If you’re infected by ransomware, you risk losing your files, which will be encrypted forever. Make sure that you back everything up on a separate hard drive.

How to perform a full scan of your computer for malware

Here is a step-by-step bullet point on how to perform a scan for malware on your PC.

  • Start by turning off any anti-virus software running on your device. Once finished, reboot and login back into your machine using admin credentials. This step is necessary because we want to ensure that we only run scans on the system with no active programs running.
  • Open up windows explorer and navigate to C:\. Navigate to Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Scheduler\bin\schedulersvc.exe
  • Right-click schedulersvc.exe and select properties. Go to the compatibility tab and click details. Look at the System Requirements section. If it says not compatible, then move on to the next step.
  • If it’s listed as compatible, then right-click schedulersvc and press delete. Follow these steps until all processes related to schedulersvc have been deleted.
  • Now start up Command Prompt (cmd) and type sc qcreg. Select Yes when it asks if you wish to remove registry keys associated with the Scheduler service.
  • When done, close the cmd window. Restart your computer.
  • After a restart, check Task Manager(ctrl+alt+del) to confirm that Scheduler Service is no longer present.
  • Close out of the Task Manager and open up Windows Explorer again. Navigate to c:\windows\system32\config (or whatever directory you keep your startup items). Go to services.msc and verify that Scheduler Service is removed from the list.
  • Verify that Scheduler Service is gone by opening Task Manager and checking the Startup Items. You may need to restart your computer after doing this step.
  • To make sure everything is working correctly, create a task called ScheduleTaskService on your desktop shortcut key and schedule the program to launch once a day.
  • Next, go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Delete tasks named Microsoft_ScheduleTasksService. Then try scheduling it yourself. Make sure the time you specify matches the time specified in your Task Scheduler.
  • Finally, turn off your anti-virus. Your PC should now be safe.

Why should you be concerned about ransomware?

You should be concerned about ransomware regarding your personal or business data. This type of malware can encrypt your data, making it inaccessible to you. You may be asked to pay a ransom to get your data back. 

However, there is no guarantee that paying the ransom will make your data decrypted. In some cases, victims have paid the ransom but still cannot access their data. In addition, by paying the ransom, you may be inadvertently supporting the criminal activity associated with ransomware. 

For these reasons, it is important to be vigilant about protecting your data from this type of malware.

What’s the most severe type of ransomware?

There are many types of ransomware, each with unique capabilities and features. However, some types of ransomware are more severe than others. For example, Cryptolocker is a particularly nasty type of ransomware that can encrypt your files and prevent you from accessing them unless you pay a ransom. 

Cryptolocker is one of the most destructive and costly ransomware for several reasons:

  1. It is highly sophisticated and difficult to remove once it has infected a system.
  2. It encrypts files using strong encryption, making it impossible to decrypt them without the encryption key.
  3. It demands a ransom payment to decrypt the files, which can be costly for victims.

Other types of ransomware may not be as severe but can still be very disruptive and costly to deal with.

Which type of device is the top target for ransomware?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the specific ransomware attack and the type of devices it targets. However, in general, computers are typically the top target for ransomware attacks. This is because computers typically contain a lot of valuable data that attackers can potentially encrypt and demand a ransom for. 

Additionally, computers are often connected to other devices and systems, which means that an attack on a computer can potentially spread to other devices and cause even more damage.


As we have seen, ransomware seriously threatens both individuals and businesses. To protect yourself, it is important to have a good backup strategy in place, Also keep your software up to date. Additionally, you should be careful about what you click on and open and what websites you visit. If you think you may have been infected with ransomware, it is important to seek professional help immediately.