I recently talked about Ransomware in one of my previous articles related to its threats and how to prevent it. Here, I bring another big thing about why Ransomware is dangerous and difficult to stop. Ransomware is not at all a 21st-century invention but dates back to 1989. A year in which primitive Ransomware was devised. The [...]

Cyber-attacks have become increasingly rampant and complex, and cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated with every passing day. In the past few years, we have witnessed a dramatic increase in ransomware attacks, and they are here to stay.  Ransomware is a type of malicious software (or “malware”) that infects a computer and restricts users’ access to [...]

Ransomware refers to malware that tends to encrypt files. It stops the users from accessing the computer or any portable device, leading smartphones with android and IOS versions until one pays money. So if you ask me which type of device is the top target for ransomware? It is smartphones and PCs. The ransom amount varies and depends on [...]

A file-encrypting malware, ransomware is a serious threat. Ransomware is malware that causes encryption of the victim’s files. It is known as ransomware because after the attack; the attacker demands a payment from the victim to restore access to the encrypted files. Thus, the name ransomware. This article involves deep research about how ransomware affects [...]